Very high cycle fatigue, is there a fatigue limit?
J.C. Stinville, E. Martin, M. Karadge, S. Ismonov, M. Soare, T. Hanlon, S. Sundaram, M.P. Echlin, P.G. Callahan, W.C. Lenthe, V.M. Miller, J. Miao, A.E. Wessman, R. Finlay, A. Loghin, J. Marte, T.M. Pollock. Fatigue deformation in a polycrystalline nickel base superalloy at intermediate and high temperature: Competing failure modes. Acta Materialia, 2018.
D. Texier, J. Cormier, P. Villechaise, J.C. Stinville, C.J. Torbet, S. Pierret, T.M. Pollock. Crack initiation sensitivity of wrought direct aged 718 in the very high cycle fatigue regime: the role of non-metallic inclusions. Materials Science and Engineering:A, 2016
W.C. Lenthe, J.C. Stinville, M.P. Echlin, T.M. Pollock, Statistical assessment of Fatigue-Initiating microstructural features in a polycrystalline disk alloy. Superalloys 2016 : Proceeding of the 13th symposium of superalloy, 2016.