M.A. Charpagne, J. Hestroffer, A. T. Polonsky, M.P. Echlin, D. Texier, V. Valle, I. J. Beyerlein, T. M.Pollock, J.C. Stinville. Slip localization in Inconel 718: a three-dimensional and statistical perspective. Acta Materialia, 2021.
M.P. Echlin, M. Kasemer, K. Chatterjee, D. Boyce, J.C. Stinville, P.G. Callahan, E. Wielewski, J.S. Park, J.C. Williams, R.M. Suter, T.M. Pollock, M.P. Miller, P.R. Dawson. Microstructure-Based Estimation of Strength and Ductility Distributions for α + β Titanium Alloys. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 2021.
W.C. Lenthe, M.P. Echlin, J.C. Stinville, M. De Graef, T.M. Pollock. Twin Related Domain Networks in Rene 88DT. Materials Charaterization, 2020.
W.C. Lenthe, J.C. Stinville, M.P. Echlin, T.M. Pollock, Prediction of fatigue-initiating twin boundaries in polycrystalline nickel superalloys informed by Tribeam tomography. Microscopy and Microanalysis, 2016.
S. Ghosh, G. Weber, M. Pinz, A. Bagri, T.M. Pollock, W.C. Lenthe, J.C. Stinville, M.D. Uchic, C. Woodward. Multi-scale Microstructure and Property-Based Statistically Equivalent RVEs for Modeling Nickel-Based. Integrated Computational Materials Engineering (ICME): Advancing Computational and Experimental Methods, 2020.
M.P. Echlin, W.C. Lenthe, J.C. Stinville, T.M. Pollock. Acquisition of 3D Data for Prediction of Monotonic and Cyclic Properties of Superalloys. Integrated Computational Materials Engineering (ICME): Advancing Computational and Experimental Methods, 2020.
M.A. Charpagne, J.C. Stinville, P.G. Callahan, D. Texier, Z. Chen, P. Villechaise, V. Valle, T.M. Pollock. Automated and Quantitative Analysis of Plastic Strain Localization Via Multi-modal Data Recomination. Materials Characterization, 2020.
S. Hemery, A. Nait-Ali, M. Gueguen, J. Wendorf, A.T. Polonsky, M.P. Echlin, J.C. Stinville, T.M. Pollock, P. Villechaise. A 3D Analysis of the Onset of Slip Activity in Relation to the Degree of Micro-Texture in Ti-6Al-4V. Acta Materialia, 2019.
Patrick G. Callahan, M.P. Echlin, J.C. Stinville, T. M. Pollock, S. Singh, F. Ram, M. De Graef. 3D Texture Visualization Approaches: Applications to Nickel and Titanium Alloys. Journal of Applied Crystallography, 2017.